How Debeers & Bernays convinced people

Kanyarat P
2 min readNov 27, 2020


DeBeers convince people to buy diamond by creating the ad campaign claiming that the only way for a real man to show his love is an expensive diamond. how it works is when people see it a lot, for women, it makes she wants diamond from the man because it will mean that he loves her. And for man, he buys it because he doesn’t want to be said as he isn’t a real man, it’s about his prestige, and also, to impress his lover. DeBeers create its value. Not just that DeBeers also make us think that it is rare to make it even more expensive so we think that he more expensive, the more valuable but on the other hand, if people who don’t know about this before, don’t even care about DeBeers campaign, they might think that it worthless, the way it should be if without DeBeers, they rather prefer money. I’m interesting in that Adam said”nothing we can do, a century of advertising has embedded the idea of a diamond engagement ring so deeply in our culture that even knowing all of that doesn’t stop us from buying them” This happen to me, even I know all of this from the video, diamond ring is still what I want if i get married may be because the diamond itself, its characteristic of reflecting and shining, the way it was neatly polished and shaped.

Edward Bernays convince women to start smoking by persuaded a group of rich debutantes to help his plan in the easter parade where there will be a lot of people.Then, he inform the press that he had heard about a group suffragette were preparing to protest by lighting the torch of freedom, all of the photographer would be there at the parade to capture the moment. his plan is to make the rich women debutant hide cigarettes under their clothes and join the easter parade, and wait for his signal to light up the cigarette. So, there will be a rich women smoking in the public with the phrase torches of freedom. This phrase that he used means that anybody who believes in equality have to support them. He using these people faith inequality to support his persuasion. He realises that it was possible to persuade people to behave irrationally if you link products to their emotional desires and feeling, Isn’t make you think you need that product but you will feel better with that product. Once people in the society start to accept women smoking, As he find that the cigarettes were the symbol of the penises and male sexual power, these all together with their emotion, he create the idea of that if a women smoked it make her more powerful and independent, changing their ideologies among smoking together with using rich women class to support this persuasion of women smoking, so, they see it as the different way as before since the environment around is different, cigarette for women became mass product.



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